Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Wedding pictures

I response to the hounding I have received to get pictures of the wedding up on this blog, I present a compromise (since I don't have any pictures here with me). Travis, my brother who was also my photographer, posted pictures on his blog. So here I present to you some pictures of The Wedding Day and also The Idaho Reception*. I'll get more pictures up when I actually take time at home to find and blog them.

*Please note that Jessica's dress was done by the Idaho reception and you can see many pictures of her in it. Also, my dress, all of the little girls' matching dresses, my mom and sister's dress and all of the little boys' bow ties and cummerbunds were made by my mom and sister. BJ's oldest sister's (who, unfortunately, is not pictured in these blogs, but will be shown in later blogs of mine) dress was made by his mom. Don't we have the most awesome families EVAR?


Lindsay said...

What a lovely bride you made! Can't wait to see more pictures! (Because you are going to post more...right?)

The Cederstrom's said...

So Tianna...is this the brother that lives in Rigby, or not?

Tianna said...

Nope. That's a different brother. Sorry.

Shawn and Ashley Oram said...

What great pictures. I can't wait to see more!! Congrats again.

Tay said...

those are beautiful pictures and you are a beautiful bride. :)