Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Thanks, Cary!

Less than an hour after posting my last post, I received the following on my Facebook wall:

Reasons why Tianna is awesome:

1. She has the best quote of all time on her Facebook from the best movie of all time. (Hint: mashed potatoes)

2. She has a Harry Potter quote of the day on her Facebook.

3. Her last name is Homer. That is cool."

In another wall post:

Do you really have a relative named Dianna Lovell--and if so, was that planned? Yet another reason why Tianna is awesome.

Dear Cary ~

I have no idea if those posts were due to this blog, if you even read this blog, or if it was just random coincidence. Point is, it was well timed and I love you dearly for it. Thanks for a much needed pick-me-up. :D

~ Tianna

Jesus said love everyone; treat them kindly, too

I used to think that I was an easy person to get along with. I never had any enemies; people that I wasn't friends with didn't dislike me... we were just never friends is all. I have never hated a soul, nor do I ever plan to. I am nice to a fault... it's really easy for people to walk all over me. I guess I've prided myself on my ability to make and keep friends and never be disliked.

This phase in my life is the one where my pride is met with humility.

It started a year ago when my boyfriend's ex-girlfriend (who just happened to be my friend as well) got jealous of all the time I spent with him. There was much drama before there was forgiveness. That was a really hard time for me. I don't like it when people don't like me. Luckily, with time, we've all worked out our differences and are friends again.

Currently I have a couple of friends who are quite mad at me, and I'm not sure why. I wish I knew what I had done so that I could apologize or change. We were once good friends. There was drama. Now I am disliked. I hate loosing friends--especially ones I was once so close to.

Also currently I'm in the middle of a row with my former landlady. (I've been listening to Harry Potter and it's showing up in my vocabulary.) It saddens me because I loved that house and hate to leave it with a tainted memory. Also because I hate the idea that my landlady is mad at me. Also, because I would like at least part of my deposit back. I sent her a letter explaining my side of the story, hoping we could work something out. I haven't heard back from her yet except an email that clearly showed that she hadn't forgiven me. But point is, now she is mad at me, and I'm sure her daughter and son-in-law are, too. All of them I had been on good terms with for a long time. [sigh]

I desperately hope that this concludes the list of people angry with me. It hurts my heart to know that I have hurt other people and pray desperately for forgiveness and renewed friendship. Or at the least, non-bitterness. I do try to live kindly and not offensively. Alas, I am not perfect, as my track record is starting to show. For a long time it really got to me. Yes, there have been tears. I'm now coming to the conclusion that I simply can't be perfect and loved by all, as much as I would love to be. I guess the only thing left to do is to pray for strength to continue forth, being better and more loving every day. Having no idea how to change the past, I can only try to make the future better.

If anyone happens to read this that falls into the category of "Angry at Me", please, I beg you, find it in your heart to forgive me. I miss you. I've never meant to hurt you. If I don't know that you fall into this category, please tell me what I've done wrong so that I can reconcile my wrongs. I've never meant to hurt you, either.

Can't we all just be friends?

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Flowers = joy

Our new landlady pays someone to come take care of our yard (though, we still water it). This is fantastic in that we never have to mow the lawn or trim the rosebush. In fact, one time BJ was home when he came, so he asked him to take out the rosebush that was concealing our spigot (which made for an interesting time in watering the lawn).

One morning I was in the living room and heard a weed whacker outside. About an hour later I went outside to water plants and noticed that one of two actual plants (as opposed to weeds) in the flower bed had been weed whacked! And, of course, it was the one with the flower bud on it. I was heartbroken. I didn't even know what kind of flower it was gonna be, but I loved the leaves and the bud.

Having had a lot of success with starts of plants by simply cutting off a stem, putting it in water, then planting it when the roots are long enough, I decided I'd stick it in water—just to see what happened. If nothing else, perhaps it would at least have enough time to bloom.

Today it bloomed! It made me so happy! And it's beautiful. Anyone know what kind of flower it is?

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Kitties need help! Puh-lease?

Due to a ginormous miscommunication between myself and my former landlady (please don't get me started) Jess, Rachel and I need to find new homes for our kitties. There are two adorable cats that are in desperate need of good homes. I can't bear to let them go to a shelter where chances are great that they'll just be euthanized. They started as inside cats and were quite well-behaved. (Drawly, one of the kittens that we found a new home for, is currently an inside cat.) For the last few months, all of them have lived outside and have done perfectly well out there. Thus, they can be inside or outside cats.

The momma cat is Sonja. Isn't she adorable? She makes a wonderful house cat. She's very quiet and calm. She rarely jumps on things or scratches furniture. I was quite amazed at how well she acted in the house. She's rather timid about new places, so she may hide for the first few days, but she does come out of her shell. And she loves to be pet under her chin. And now I present, Sonja (look how good of a Momma she is):

Sir Guy (named after the BBC Robin Hood character that we are all in love with) is just becoming a teenager. Since we had to take his brother and best friend, Drawly, away, he has been a lot more calm and loves attention, though he'll only let you hold him for a short time. He can be quite playful and is great fun to watch climbing trees. (He has even become adept at climbing down.) He has this very entertaining sideways jump and loves to chase after anything that moves. And now I present, Sir Guy (How can you resist those eyes?):

Please, please, I am begging anyone who can give these kitties a good home to step up. You can email me at or give me a call if you know my number. We have one cat carrier if you need it to move the cat. We'd like to keep them together, but understand completely if you can only take one. We also have a kitty litter and some litter to go with it. But only one, so first come, first serve.

If it comes down to bribery, I offer one dessert of your choice (assuming I can make it) to anyone who will give them a good home.