Tuesday, June 3, 2008

France, part 3 - dinner at hotel

So... you remember St. Peter's fish from Galilee? Remember how I ate that whole fish, including the fish eye? Yeah, that was gross. So tonight we went down to the hotel restaurant for dinner. (About time, too. I was starving, what with having dinner cruelly taken from me and sleeping through breakfast.) I looked at the menu and laughed, because they were all super expensive and foods that I've never heard of, or have never tried. Things like Duck Minon. They had a Mixed Grill, which seemed very Middle Eastern, except it was duck and a few other fancy meats. Dennis got a steak, but I'm not a huge fan of steak. But I was too scared to spend that much money on something I might not like. So I had her skip me. JP got the Catch of the Day, to which the waitress replied with something none of us understood, but she looked at JP with anticipation, as if waiting for a response. I then stopped paying attention, because I needed to pick a meal. Then Tom picked something, which I didn't hear, and she came back to me. I decided to be safe and went with lamb. The waitress left, but came back a few minutes later to tell me that they were out of lamb. [rolls eyes] Of course they were. Then she turned to JP and said that mysterious "troot" again. What in the world does "troot" mean? At some point JP got frustrated and just told her she'd have whatever Tom was having. She kept repeating "troot" to JP, which confused us all, until she said, "Troot. Catch of the Day." [light turns on] Me: "Trout?" Waitress: "Catch of the day, yes?" Me: "Yes. Trout?" Waitress: [light turns on] "Oui, oui. Troot!" Me: "Y'know what? I'll have that. The Catch of the Day. Trout." Waitress: "Ok. Troout." (This was an effort to say trout, though troot still wanted to be said.)
Awhile later our food came out. The three steaks came first. JP wanted hers well-done, so she asked to make sure she got the well-done one. The waitress examined JP's and Tom's and finally switched the plates, but then switched the sauces back. Turns out, Dennis got the well-done one. We're all confused as to what happened. Then out came mine. It was a trout alright. In fact, it was the catch of the day. Probably caught that very morning. There before me lay a full trout. Head, tail, everything. It wasn't even sliced along the ribs like the St. Peter's fish was. (I also think the eyes were removed from this'un. Either that or trout have much smaller eyes than do St. Peter's fish.) The only slice was down the belly, making it easy to lift the skin up and over to get at the meat. Also, the fish bones were everywhere. I don't understand how anyone could eat this without using their fingers. It's just not prim and proper to pick bones off the meat on your fork. But I wasn't about to eat all of those fish bones, either. All in all, once I got over the fact that the actual animal was sitting on my plate, staring up to me, it was really good fish. Mmmm...
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Kim said...

Hey, we don't know how else to get a hold of you, but we had our baby boy today. Check out our blog for details. Have a great trip.

The Dipo's said...

Oh how fun! I'm very jealous!

Erin said...

So... why are you in France? I'm very interested in this trip of yours, and I'm glad it's being blogged.

Jessica Pears said...

Okay you are killing me. Can I share this blog with my roomie? She would love to hear the rest of the story. "Troot" Who knew?

Taralyn said...

that fish looks so gross