Monday, June 2, 2008

France, part 1 - in the airport

I'm sitting here at the airport, waiting to board my flight to Paris. Have I mentioned that this is the first direct flight from SLC to Paris? Oh my goodness... it's craziness! Talk about a party. So, we're still sitting and waiting to board, right? Here are some of the things that welcomed me to the gate:

A lady playing the accordion. I have a video, too, but I don't want to even try to upload a video on a Verizon wireless card.

Balloons galore surrounding a table of food. This is when I first got here and the place was still quite empty.

Here's my "plate" (aka napkin) of food. Top: Smoked salmon patee; Middle: something weird. Lettuce with walnuts and bleu cheese, I think. (I was gonna be brave, but I maybe dropped it face down on the ground and took it as a sign that I shouldn't eat it. The same did not hold true when I dropped a truffle.) Bottom: Duck patee. Left: To-die-for chocolate truffles. Things I learned: smoked salmon taste a lot like tuna with a punch. Also, it should not be green. Eating duck right after smoked salmon is quite shocking. I didn't like it as much as I should have, methinks. But, point remains, I've now eaten duck. (Though, Mom, didn't (shoot! I forgot his name! "The Town Character" in Travis' book) bring us duck once?) Also, the truffles are still amazingly wonderful.

Look how full it is now! This is just before they started boarding. Also, did I mention that the Utah Governor showed up? I wonder if he just came to make an appearance, or if he'll be on the flight...

Basically, I'm awesome. Y'all remember that. ;) More pictures and stories to come from the plane ride, I'm sure.

Oh, also, JP and I got interviewed by Deseret News and also KSL 5. So for those of you in Utah, go ahead and watch the news tonight... see if I make it on. Or read Deseret News tomorrow! (If I make it in the newspaper, save me a clipping.)

Lastly, I hear they're gonna shoot water over our plane as we leave. I don't have a window seat, however, so I don't think I'll be able to see it. [pout] I guess I can't have everything.


Holdinator said...

That is so cool. I kept hearing about that flight all day yesterday on KSL. How fantastic that you were a part of it.

Taralyn said...

I have never really wanted to go to France, but I'm still jealous... I should leave the country again! Exciting flight stuff. :o) Have you seen the ocean yet?